Non emergency service

All dogs and cats in Luxembourg must have European passports, be marked with a microchip/transponder, have a valid vaccination against rabies. Dogs also have to be registered in the commune of the living area of Luxembourg.
For movement between EU countries, vaccination against rabies documented in the pet passport or the animal health certificate is the sole requirement for dogs, cats and ferrets to travel across EU borders, with certain exceptions.
For movement to countries outside EU borders these are the usual requirements: pets must be marked by the implantation of a transponder, have pet passport, valid vaccination against rabies, treated against Echinococcus multilocularis, examined and certified by veterinary doctor before travelling.
Note that some of non EU countries may have additional requirements.

Like people, pets need vaccines. And pet vaccinations, like those for humans, may sometimes require a booster to keep them effective. The best way to stay on schedule with vaccinations for your dog or cat is to follow the recommendations of a veterinarian.
In general vaccines break down into two categories: core pet vaccines and non-core vaccines.
Available Services
Diagnostic Assessment & Clinical Consultation
Neurological evaluation
Orthopedic evaluation
Blood collection
European passport and registration
Documentation (for traveling)
Expression of anal glands
Nail clipping